Hey Camas. It’s Leslie Lewallen here and I’m proud to finally report that I am no longer running to be your next Camas City Councilor. As of today, and as a result of today's election certification and swearing in at City Hall, I am proud to report that I have been elected and sworn in as your next City Councilor from Ward 3, Position 2.

I’d like to first thank this incredible community of people whom I’ve met over the last five months while canvassing thousands of homes in Camas. Your support has propelled me to be the very best I can be, and in return, together we can now make Camas the very best it can be. Your confidence in my transparency, accountability, and efficacy in leadership allows me to focus on the issues most important to you. I will always be available to you, and I will always represent you on the Camas City Council to the best of my ability.
I’d also like to thank my family for their unwavering support of this campaign, including my parents, my sisters, my children, and most importantly my husband Brian. His selfless contributions to our City have been the inspiration for this incredible journey, and his guidance, counsel, and unconditional love is the most powerful gift I could have ever received. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such immense support.
Finally, my sincere thanks to our campaign director Scott Hogg, whose leadership and guidance was pivotal in navigating a political path that kept us focused, upbeat, and always believing we could win. Our team of incredible volunteers showed me each and every day exactly why I had made the right choice to run for this important position. But sharing stories and hopes and dreams for Camas with so many of you who cast your vote for me, fills me with hope and excitement for what comes next.
Over the next few weeks, we will convert our campaign website to an ongoing informational website where I can communicate with you about everything that is going on inside and outside of City Hall. Feel free to reach out and contact me about any concerns you may have. I usually answer during normal business hours Monday thru Friday, and am always available by text or Email.
I’ll be sworn in again at the last City Council meeting in December and invite all of you to attend this very proud moment for me and my family. I’ll let you know the exact date, time, and place as it becomes available.
Again, Thank You Camas! I will never let you down!
Leslie Lewallen
Camas City Councilor
Ward 3, Position 2