Leslie's First 100 days Legislative Agenda:
Hey Camas. Leslie Lewallen here and I’m running for Camas City Council. Over the last 5 months, I’ve been busy preparing to be your next City Councilor by taking a hard look at issues currently facing City Hall and our community at large. I’ve canvassed thousands of homes, and met with hundreds of you face to face. I’ve heard your concerns and frustrations. But I’ve also heard your hope and passion for this great community.
As a lawyer, I have reviewed and analyzed many contracts. A contract is an agreement in which one side promises to perform certain duties for the other, in exchange for some sort of consideration in return. Today, I am offering you my Contract with Camas and in return, I am asking for your vote on November 4th to be your Camas City Councilor.
This Contract With Camas is my pledge and promise- to each and every one of you- to introduce certain legislation during my first 100 days in office. My Contract With Camas has been carefully crafted based directly on the feedback I’ve received from you- the electorate. I have listened to you. I respect your voice. You HAVE been heard.

Number 1: Replace the Crown Park Pool with an affordable, scalable, outdoor competition swimming pool and splash pad. To begin construction in 2022 with an anticipated opening date of Summer, 2023. No bond, no additional tax load, a public-private partnership for construction and operation.

Number 2: Rewrite Camas Zoning and Use Codes to prevent another Dorothy Fox Detox debacle from ever happening again. Having a clear and effective municipal code avoids detox centers from being located next to our elementary schools and prevents outside developers from manipulating the system to do an end run around our local elected officials.

Number 3: Empower the new CANOPY Commission. To establish through legislation the creation of a citizens advisory board that manages the quality and health of our parks, trees, forests and legacy lands. Establishing real protections that ensure citizen-led, smart, sustainable development.
This is my Contract with Camas. This is my first 100 day legislative agenda. This is what you can expect from me in return for your vote. In the upcoming days, I’ll be releasing details of each of these legislative goals on my website at www.leslieforcamas.com. I invite you to visit and join me and my Contract With Camas. Together, let’s make Camas the very best it can be.